::Waiting in the pediatrician's office::
Mom: "My boy goin' get shot. You get SHOT, shot, SHOT, shot."
Me: "Seriously Mom? I wouldn't say that here... In the waiting room, while they are super busy and there are like 30 other people in here."
Mom: "Wha? My baby goin' get SHOT!"
Me: "You might freak a kid out. It's already bad enough that they have to be here and now you keep saying the word that would make them freak out the most."
Mom: "Mommy been do dis' my whole life. Ok? I take you, your brother bof' to doctor to get shot when you young time. Ok? No big deal. My baby get SHOT!"
::Some random kid starts to scream and cry, "I DON'T WANT TO GET A SHOT!"::
Me: "See what you did?"
Mom: "Wha?"