Saturday, November 26, 2011

Mom? What Do You Think We Should Name The New Baby?

After spending Thanksgiving with my In Laws at their home in Sarasota FL, we were happy to be back in Nashville and to get back into our groove of things. I call my mom and strike up a conversation with her, both my husband and I think it's a good idea to ask her what we should name the new baby, as it seems that everyone else has an idea on what we should name him. 

Me: "So what do you think we should name the baby?"
Mom: " You want to know what Mommy tink? OH! I like Sean!"
Me: "Sean?"
Mom: "Yeah, Sean good name!"
Me: "Um, we're not really feeling Sean. We were thinking Isaac."
::She starts to yell at me on the phone in Kongrish.::
Mom: "Mommy can't say Isaarc! Too HARD! How about Lee?"
Me: "Mom that wouldn't sound nice with our last name."
Mom: "Then why you ask me!? I go now."
::She hangs up.::
Me: "Well... That went well. Don't you think that went well, honey?"

Saturday, November 19, 2011


::Ring, ring, ring::
Me: "Hello Mom, how are you?"
Mom: "Where are you?"
Me: "We're out eating Pho."
Mom: "I keep try to call you on Skype but you no online, so you no answer."
Me: "Well... Mom... I can't answer if I'm not home, or my laptop isn't on."
Mom: "I know, I call you to tell you."
::Starts screaming kongrish into the phone to Logan."
Me: "Mom he can't hear you, you're just screaming in my ear. I have to go we're in the middle of dinner."
::She's still screaming in the phone.::